No sooner were the pieces of charcoal rubbed against the glass rod than electricity appeared on the rod. 木炭块同玻璃一摩擦,棒上就带电。
Professor Elena Semouchkina has developed a nonmetallic cloak that uses identical glass resonators made of chalcogenide glass, a type of material that does not conduct electricity. 赛莫金娜教授开发的这种非金属材质的披风,采用了与红外线波长尺寸相同的玻璃共振片,由硫系玻璃制成,不会导电。
Take a very thinly drawn piece of industrial glass, and you can use it to store and release a surprising amount of electricity, a group of materials scientists has found. 一群材料学家已经发现,从工业玻璃中拉出极薄的一片玻璃,就可以用来存储和释放惊人的电量。
Light-emitting diodes are small glass lamps that use much less electricity than traditional bulbs and last much longer. 发光二极管是很小的玻璃灯,耗电量远远少于传统的灯泡,而且持续的时间更长。
"enamel" glass, in bars, rods and tubes, unworked No sooner were the pieces of charcoal rubbed against the glass rod than electricity appeared on the rod. 搪瓷玻璃,呈棒状、条状和管状,未加工木炭块同玻璃一摩擦,棒上就带电。
This article makes a contrast between the properties oi glass pipes and those of metal pipes, points out the cause of static electricity, the distribution of electrostatic charges and possible bad effects and proposes three concrete methods of elimination of static electricity. 本文将玻璃管道的性能同普通金属薄板管道做了对比,指出了静电产生的原因,静电荷分布特性及由此产生的危害,并提出了三种消除静电的具体方法。
It is introduced the advantages of toughened glass insulator compare with the traditional porcelain insulator, and optimized the properties from the design point of view on considering its 'functions among the electricity transmission line. 介绍钢化玻璃绝缘子相对于传统陶瓷绝缘子的优良性能,以及考虑其在输电线路中所起的作用,从设计上来优化其特性。
The alumino-borosilicate glass has special properties in electricity and photology. 其中铝硼硅酸盐玻璃又具有优异的热腐蚀性,电学性能和光学性能。